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Coordinating and harmonising Generic and Specialist Support services for victims of gender-based violence (2gether4victims)

in 2023 April 3 - 2025 April 2 


The project is implemented by: Klaipėda Social and Psychological Assistance Center (KSPPC) together with partners


Project partners: VICTIM SUPPORT EUROPE (VSE) - project coordinator, Belgium: 

- Associacao Portuguesa De Apoio A Vitima (APAV), Portugal

- Fem Feministas Em Movimento Associacao (FEM), Portugal

- Udruga Za Podrsku Zrtvama I Svjedocima (WVSSC), Croatia

- Zenska Soba Centar Za Seksualna Prava (Women's Room), Croatia

- Public Institution Vilnius Institute of Advanced Studies (VILIAS), Lithuania

- Public Institution Klaipeda Social and Psychological Support Center (KSPSC), Lithuania

- Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), Lithuania

- Andavi-France Victims 58 (ANDAVI), France

- Association For the Prevention and Handling Of Violence In The Family (APHVF/SPAVO), Cyprus

- Stichting Slachtofferhulp Nederland (SHN), The Netherlands


What are we aiming for?

Provide an evidence-based analysis of how different types of victim support services, as set out in the Crime Victims' Rights Directive (Articles 8 and 9), can work together to meet the needs of victims of gender-based violence, particularly domestic violence. The project intends to create special tools that will help victim support organizations to provide gender-based support to victims of domestic violence by conducting organizational self-assessment (OSA) and simultaneously improving individual needs assessment (INA) for victims of domestic violence. An intensive period of capacity building will allow partner and non-partner organizations to successfully implement OSA, ensure they are gender-responsive in service delivery, and start implementing the INA tools that will be developed through the project.


Project goals:

- Investigate gender differences in both general and specialized services provided to victims of violence against women and violence;

- to propose indicators on how to assess and verify whether services are provided taking into account gender;

- To examine how general and specialized service providers can best cooperate and coordinate their actions in relation to the needs of victims of violence against women and men;

- provide solutions on how organizations can improve their practices and activities so that they can better respond to the requirements of institutional level gender equality support; 

- develop tailor-made methods to identify and respond to the individual needs of victims;

- build the capacity of partner and non-partner organizations to better respond to the needs of violence against women and men at both organizational and individual levels.


KSPPC 3 years budget:  EUR 98,599.7


The project is financed by:  European Commission under the CERV-2022-DAPHNE program.

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