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What kind of help do we provide?

Klaipėda Social and Psychological Support Centre implements programs that aim to ensure accessible and timely assistance to the residents of Klaipėda, Palanga and Neringa, solving sensitive societal problems, such as domestic violencehuman trafficking and involvement in prostitution, support to crime victims and those facing emotional difficulties.

You can inquire about the support provided:

phone: 8 (46) 35 00 99 or email:

We also want the residents of other Lithuanian cities to have the opportunity to talk about their difficulties and solve emotional problems, so since 2004 in Lithuania works the first Helpline for women  (volunteers are operating in Klaipeda, Kaunas and Vilnius). Every year, emotional support volunteers are trained to provide help by phone, chat and e-mail. (free emotional support 24/7 by phone 8 800 66366).

Our 4 programs under which we are able to provide support to our clients are: Center for Specialized Comprehensive Assistance, Against Human Trafficking, Helpline for Women and Help for Victims of Crime.

We provide free, confidential psychosocial and legal support to victims of domestic violence, crime and human trafficking.

If you or your loved ones have suffered from domestic violence, criminal acts, sexual exploitation and/or human trafficking, we invite you to contact us through the contacts indicated below.



Psychological help

Legal support


Smilčių st. 5 (2nd floor)

Klaipeda, LT92277

Monday - Friday

9:00 - 18:00

All rights reserved © 2003 - 2022 Klaipėda Social and Psychological Assistance Center

Tel. +370 46 35 00 99

El. email:

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