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Project #StabdykNow!

Lithuanian Women's Lobby Organization (LMLO) together with partners Klaipėda Social and Psychological Assistance Center (KSPPC), Women's Rights Association (MOTA), Tauragė Women's Employment and Information Center (TMUIC) and Women's Activity Innovation Center "(MVIC) from 22 June 2020. implements the project "Stop Now!" (No. K1-O3-PK-D-038)  

According to experts and data from various studies, women who have suffered from sexual abuse and disability still do not receive specialized comprehensive assistance in Lithuania, specifically for these groups.   International and national documents state that all forms of violence against women and domestic violence (SAA) are a violation of human rights and freedoms.  201 C9 drew attention to the situation of women with disabilities who were victims of gender-based violence, and in particular sexual violence, and identified the following issues:  

  • Mostly physical violence is recorded. There are very few cases of psychological and economic violence and incredibly few cases of sexual violence.  

  • Specialized comprehensive assistance to disabled people affected by domestic violence is not provided by anyone, the assistance is provided to them in a general manner, regardless of special needs.  


LMLO is a national umbrella NGO uniting 44 organizations with a geographical coverage of 60, ie all Lithuanian municipalities.  LMLO has extensive advocacy experience in monitoring the implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in Lithuania.

The project is funded by:  2014-2021. European Economic Area Financial Mechanism Active Citizens Fund in Lithuania.

Project goals:

  • To increase the availability of specialized complex assistance by enabling the specialists of the Specialized Comprehensive Support Centers to provide assistance to women with physical disabilities  and experiencing sexual abuse in the immediate environment.

Project objectives :

  • To carry out an analysis of the situation regarding the availability of assistance to women with physical disabilities and / or experiencing sexual abuse in the immediate environment and to identify existing problems.

  • After getting acquainted with the good practice of foreign countries, to develop models of specialized comprehensive assistance and action algorithms adapted to women with physical disabilities and / or victims of sexual abuse in the immediate environment.  

  • Organize training for SKPC specialists to improve their qualifications by providing assistance to women with physical disabilities and / or sexual abuse in accordance with the developed assistance models.

  • Organize a publicity campaign to raise awareness about sexual abuse in the immediate environment, assistance  opportunities for women with physical disabilities and / or 

Project target groups:

  • Women with physical disabilities and / or sexual abuse in the immediate environment

  • Specialists in specialized complex assistance centers;

  •  Social Network Users;

  • Members of hate crime / language communities (ethnic, religious communities, people with disabilities, LGBTI +, etc.);

  • Youth, in regions exposed to gender-based violence, homophobic, transphobic and hate speech;

  • A moderate section of society affected by negative attitudes.

Contact person:   Lithuanian Women's Lobby, Project Coordinator Dovilė Masalskienė 

tel. +370 614 54200, e-mail:




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Klaipeda, LT92277

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